Monday, February 25, 2013

My Beautiful Stomach

11 More posts to go!!! :D I can do this!! :D

In the last post, I talked about food, and my stomach grumbled loudly for your enjoyment. xD Anyhow, I have to tell you, my stomach has been grumbling so loudly lately, that in class, the whole room can hear it. They giggle and stuff, but the only thing I can do is hug my stomach and pretend it isn't me. But, sadly, you can't really stop it. :b I hate that my stomach does that sometimes. It really bothers me.

Actually, do you know why it does that? No? Okay, I'll tell you, then. It is called Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and it is actually quite common. What is means is that my skin is so sensitive that I can feel food being digested at times, which is extremely unpleasant. It doesn't happen all of the time, but your stomach is constantly cranky, makes a lot of noise, and gives me a lot of pain. To top it all off, it is incurable.

So there you go, now you know of my loveliness that is life. xD Hope I made you feel at least a little bit better about yourself! 

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Go on, talk. Or else my brownies will walk away. Yeah, I thought so. ;P